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4 Reasons to Love Garage Design Works’ Wall Organizers

P130028_36z.jpegGarage Design Works is proud to offer Gladiator® wall systems to organize your garage. With dedicated spaces for almost every item in your garage, locating the tools you need will no longer be a struggle. Read below to learn how the Orlando garage shelves experts at Garage Design Works can help you love your garage.

Storing items in cabinets work for things you use seldom and odd-shaped items. Using the walls of your garage as storage means the tools you need are easily located and grouped in a method you can easily understand. A set of hooks on a GearWall® panel mounted above a workbench keep the tools and accessories neatly organized and in view; reaching for a pair of pliers mounted on the wall is simpler than searching through a drawer of your toolbox.

Storing large items in bins keeps them looking neat, but many bins piled together are difficult to maneuver around. Keeping your goods in clear bins assists in locating items. Also, by moving the bins to a wall mount specific to those bins has two advantages: it allows you to see the items at eye level, and it keeps you from tripping over the bins.

Specialized hooks, baskets, and bins can store bicycles, golf supplies, or fishing rods. You can dedicate one section of your wall for your golf supplies, for instance, by using a Golf Caddy for your clubs and bags, mesh or wire baskets to hold balls and tees, and hooks for jackets. Find your supplies easily with specific areas for each of your hobbies.

GearWall has the ability to change as the seasons do. Place your summer supplies near the front of the garage in the spring, then transfer hooks, bins, and supplies to the back of the garage to keep these supplies orderly until next spring. The ability to move supplies from one area of the wall to the next is one of the greatest advantages of GearWall!

Contact the Orlando garage shelves experts at Garage Design Works for more information pertaining to GearWall and other Gladiator products to organize your garage walls. Call (407) 447-8890 to set up a consultation with one of our team members, and learn different approaches to keeping your garage beautifully organized.